
Namespace implementing requiring python modules as Clojure namespaces. This works via scanning the module for metadata and dynamically building the Clojure namespace.



Loads python, python.list, python.dict, python.set, python.tuple, and python.frozenset.


(require-python req)(require-python req & reqs)

Basic usage

(require-python 'math) (math/sin 1.0) ;;=> 0.8414709848078965

(require-python 'math :as maaaath)

(maaaath/sin 1.0) ;;=> 0.8414709848078965

(require-python 'math 'csv) (require-python 'math :as pymath 'csv)) (require-python 'math :as pymath 'csv :as py-csv) (require-python 'concurrent.futures) (require-python 'concurrent.futures :as fs) (require-python '(concurrent futures :as fs))

(require-python '[requests :refer get post])

(requests/get "https//") ;;=> <Response 200> (get "https//") ;;=> <Response 200>

In some cases we may generate invalid arglists metadata for the clojure compiler. In those cases we have a flag, :no-arglists that will disable adding arglists to the generated metadata for the vars. Use the reload flag below if you need to force reload a namespace where invalid arglists have been generated.

(require-python '[numpy :refer linspace :no-arglists :as np])

If you would like to bind the Python module to the namespace, use the :bind-ns flag.

(require-python 'requests :bind-ns true) or (require-python 'requests :bind-ns)

Use with custom modules

For use with a custom namespace while developing, you can use:

(require-python 'foo :reload)

NOTE: unless you specify the :reload flag, ..: the module will NOT reload. If the :reload flag is set, ..: the behavior mimics importlib.reload

Setting up classpath for custom modules

Note: you may need to setup your PYTHONPATH correctly. WARNING: This is very handy for local REPL development, ..: if you are going to AOT classes, ..: refer to the documentation on codegen ..: or your AOT compilation will fail. If your lives at /path/to/foodir/, the easiest way to do it is:

(require-python :from "/path/to/foodir" 'foo) ;; or (require-python "/path/to/foodir" 'foo) ;; or (require-python {:from "/path/to/foodir"} 'foo)

as you prefer.

Additionally, if you want to keep the namespacing as you have it in Python, you may prefer to use a relative import starting from a location of your choosing. If your os.getcwd() => /some/path/foo, and your directory structure looks something like:

/some $ tree . └── path ├── baz │ └── └── foo └──

(require-python :from "path" 'baz.quux :as quux :from "path/foo" 'bar)

is perfectly acceptable. It probably makes the most sense to keep you style consistent, but you can mix and match as you see fit between , :from , and {:from }. can either be a file or a directory. If it is a file, the Python path will be set to the directory containing that file.

You may also stack several require-pythons under one path:

(require-python {:from "dir-a"} 'a 'b 'c {:from "dir-b"} 'e.f 'g {:from "dir-c} 'hi.there)

Other options more in keeping with traditional PYTHONPATH management include:

(require-python 'sys) (py/call-attr (py/get-attr sys "path") "append" "/path/to/foodir")

Another option is

(require-python 'os) (os/chdir "/path/to/foodir")

prefix lists

For convenience, if you are loading multiple Python modules with the same prefix, you can use the following notation:

(require-python '(a b c)) is equivalent to (require-python 'a.b 'a.c)

(require-python '(foo [bar :as baz :refer qux])) is equivalent to (require-python '[ :as baz :refer qux])

(require-python '(foo [bar :as baz :refer qux] buster)) (require-python '[ :as baz :refer qux] 'foo.buster))

For library developers

If you want to intern all symbols to your current namespace, you can do the following --

(require-python 'math :refer :all)

However, if you only want to use those things designated by the module under the all attribute, you can do

(require-python 'operators :refer :*)